Getting started
This article is your guide to working with the data available through the BlueDolphin OData service. It includes detailed descriptions and explanations of parameters, allowable operations, and special characters commonly encountered in responses.
To be able to make use of the BlueDolphin OData feed, the first step is to connect to the service. Please follow the steps described in this article to make a connection.
Please note that BlueDolphin OData supports only basic authentication. Using Anonymous method is not advised. If, however, you have used Anonymous authentication, you must clear the cache to be able to use the service (again).
Currently, OData for BlueDolphin only supports GET operations or requests.
Field naming
Below is a table showing the syntax for creating field names in BlueDolphin.
Field type |
Structure |
System fields |
Immutable and always present |
Variable properties |
Object Properties_{property_name} for EN tenants Objecteigenschappen_{property_name} for NL tenants |
Variable questionnaires |
{questionnaire_name}_{field_name} |
Allowed and special characters in field names
Here, we will outline which characters are stored in their original form and which ones will be encoded.
Character |
Allowed |
Replaced by |
Example |
Alphanumeric |
Yes |
No changes |
No changes |
Underscore (_) |
Yes |
No changes |
No changes |
Dash (-) |
No |
Underscore (_) |
"General - Business Process" with the field "Description" is translated to "General___Business_Process_Description" |
Whitespace ( ) |
No |
Underscore (_) |
"General - Business Process" with the field "Business Process owner" is translated to "General___Business_Process_Business_Process_owner" |
Any other character |
No |
The encoded value of the character (hex value in xXX format). |
"General - Business Process" with the field "More info..." is translated to "General___Business_Process_More_info_x2Ex2Ex2E" |
For an extensive list of hexadecimal values, visit this page.
Field value rules
For the questionnaire fields that are marked as sensitive, the values will be hidden and replaced by:
Field type |
Replaced by |
Dropdown/Multiple select | ****** |
Dropdown/Radio | ****** |
Hyperlink | ****** |
Multiple text lines | ****** |
Text | ****** |
Formatted text | ****** |
Checkbox | Empty string |
Date | Empty string |
Number | Empty string |
Currency | Empty string |
Any HTML tags will be ignored (not converted) in a response.
The questionnaire fields of the type "Multiple text lines" and "Text" return a newline character "\n" for every new line in a response. For example:
will be presented in OData as
This is the response.\nThis is the next line.
Query parameters
These parameters specify a subset of properties to include in a response.
Parameter |
Note |
$filter |
$orderby |
By default, BlueDolphin OData feed doesn’t use any ordering. Add this parameter to use a specific sorting method for your query. Note: When using a $skip-and-$take sequence to get all data, you must specify the $orderby parameter, such as by ID. |
$select |
$skip |
$top |
$count |
Only applicable to the history endpoint |
Sample query with $filter and $select combined
https://{tenantname}$filter=Definition eq 'Capability(CA)' and Status eq 'Accepted' &$select=Title,Definition,Status
Any other operation is not allowed, for example $expand, $format, $skiptoken, or $deltatoken. If you use any of the unsupported operations, the system returns an error ‘The query specified in the URI is not valid’ accompanied with a specific error.
Query functions
Below are the query functions that are allowed when working with the BlueDolphin OData feed.
Function |
ends.With |
starts.With |
contains |
Any other function is not allowed, for example length, indexof, substring, tolower, toupper, trim, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractionalseconds, date, time, round, floor, ceiling, isof, cast, any, or all.
Query logical operators
Here are the allowed logical operators to be used in your queries.
Logical operator |
Description |
And |
Logical and |
Eq |
Equal |
Gt |
Greater than |
Ge |
Greater than or equal |
Lt |
Less than |
Le |
Less than or equal |
Ne |
Not equal |
Or |
Logical or |
Note: Please note that the use of arithmetic operators such as add, sub, mul, div, and mod is not supported.
For more information about the conventions and technical specification, see the official OData documentation.
Below is a table listing the properties you can expect when requesting the collection of objects.
The resource destination URL is https://{tenantname}, where {tenantname} is unique to your tenant.
Response properties
Property |
Type |
Description |
ID |
string |
The primary key of the object. Only stored in the database and not visible in UI. To gain insights into how the object is connected to another object, you need to link this ID with "BlueDolphinObjectItemId" and also link this ID with "RelatedBlueDolphinObjectItemId". |
Title |
string |
The primary key of the object. Also visible in UI. |
Completeness |
integer |
Returns the completion percentage of questionnaire fields marked as 'Use in completeness calculation' that have been filled. |
CreatedOn |
string |
The timestamp of the creation in ISO 8601 UTC format |
CreatedBy |
string |
The name of the user who created the object |
ChangedOn |
string |
The timestamp of the change in ISO 8601 UTC format. Not filled if an object is only created. |
ChangedBy |
string |
The name of the user who made the change. Not filled if the object is only created. |
ArchivedOn |
string |
Only filled if the object is deleted. The status of the object must be 'Archived'. |
ArchivedBy |
string |
Only filled if the object is deleted. The status of the object must be 'Archived'. |
ArchimateType |
string |
The name of the underlying ArchiMate® type (that the object definition is based on). Cannot be changed in BlueDolphin. |
Definition |
string |
Your own custom name of the ArchiMate type |
Category |
string |
The category of the object. Cannot be changed in BlueDolphin. |
ConditionalColor |
string |
The hexadecimal color code of the object. A random code is assigned at creation, but it can be edited at any point. |
Status |
string |
Specifies whether the object is 'Accepted' or 'Archived'. If you want to retrieve the current information, select 'Accepted'. If you want to retrieve deleted objects, select 'Archived'. |
Workspace |
string |
The name of the business unit. If the business units functionality is not enabled, the value is always the same - the company name displayed in UI. |
Object_Properties_Name |
string |
If the property starts with "Object_Properties", it is the information of "Object Properties" and not of "Questionnaire". |
General___Application_More_Info_x2Ex2Ex2E |
Depends on the type of the field:
Below is a table listing the properties you can expect when requesting the collection of relationships.
The resource destination URL is https://{tenantname}, where {tenantname} is unique to your tenant.
Response properties
Property |
Type |
Description |
Id |
string |
Unique identifier for the relationship |
RelationshipId |
string |
Unique identifier for the object combination |
BlueDolphinObjectItemId |
string |
Unique identifier for the object from which the relationship goes. Use this ID to connect to an object ID. |
RelatedBlueDolphinObjectItemId |
string |
Unique identifier for the object to which the relationship goes. Use this ID to connect to an object ID and find the related object. |
RelationshipDefinitionId |
string |
Unique identifier for the relationship definition |
RelationshipDefinitionName |
string |
The name of the relationship as shown in the field "Name" in UI |
BlueDolphinObjectWorkspaceName |
string |
The name of the workspace where the "from" or "source" object resides |
BlueDolphinObjectDefinitionName |
string |
The name of the definition for the "from" or "source" object |
RelatedBlueDolphinObjectWorkspaceName |
string |
The name of the workspace where the "to" or "target" object resides |
RelatedBlueDolphinObjectDefinitionName |
string |
The name of the definition for the "to" or "target" object |
Type |
string |
The type of the relationship as shown in the field "Based on" in UI |
Name |
string |
The name of the relationship. There are two possible values for each relationship type, for example 'aggregates' and 'aggregated by'. |
IsRelationshipDirectionAlternative |
boolean |
Specifies if the direction of the relationship is alternative. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE, but FALSE is usually used. |
Status |
string |
Specifies the status of the relationship. Possible values are:
Remark |
string |
The label of the relationship |
Description |
string |
Returns an empty string in a response |
CreatedBy |
string |
The name of the user who created the relationship |
CreatedOn |
string |
The timestamp of the creation in ISO 8601 UTC format |
ChangedBy |
string |
The name of the user who made the change |
ChangedOn |
string |
The timestamp of the change in ISO 8601 UTC format |
Depending on the category you select, the expected response should contain the values for the main properties plus the properties from the selected category. You can expect the rest of the fields to return empty strings. The groups and belonging properties are listed in the tables below.
The resource destination URL is https://{tenantname}, where {tenantname} is unique to your tenant.
Response properties
Main properties
Property |
Type |
Description |
Id |
string |
TargetId |
string |
ChangedBy |
string |
Action |
string |
Specifies the action performed. Possible values are:
Category |
string |
Timestamp |
string |
FieldId |
string |
Objects general fields
Property |
Type |
GeneralFieldName |
string |
GeneralFieldInput |
string |
GeneralFieldInputOld |
string |
Object relationship fields
Property |
Type |
Relationship |
string |
RelationshipOld |
string |
Label |
string |
LabelOld |
string |
ToObject |
string |
ToObjectOld |
string |
ToObjectId |
string |
ToObjectOldId |
string |
Object questionnaire fields
Property |
Type |
QuestionFieldName |
string |
QuestionFieldNameOld |
string |
QuestionFieldInput |
string |
QuestionFieldInputOld |
string |
QuestionnaireId |
string |
QuestionnaireName |
string |
Property |
Type |
ActionsDescription |
string |
ActionsValue |
string |
ActionsValueOld |
string |
Property |
Type |
ObjectsObject |
string |
Property |
Type |
RelationshipsRelationship |
string |
RelationshipsFrom |
string |
RelationshipsTo |
string |
Data objects
Property |
Type |
DataobjectTermsKeysDataObject |
string |
DataobjectTermsKeysTerm |
string |
DataobjectTermsKeysKey |
string |
DataobjectTermsKeysKeyOld |
string |
Data connections
Property |
Type |
DataconnectionsFromObject |
string |
DataconnectionsFromObjectOld |
string |
DataconnectionsToObject |
string |
DataconnectionsToObjectOld |
string |
DataconnectionsFrom |
string |
DataconnectionsFromOld |
string |
DataconnectionsTo |
string |
DataconnectionsToOld |
string |
Property |
Type |
LinesLine |
string |
LinesLineOld |
string |
LinesFrom |
string |
LinesFromOld |
string |
LinesTo |
string |
LinesToOld |
string |
LinesText |
string |
LinesTextOld |
string |
Property |
Type |
ShapesShape |
string |
ShapesText |
string |
ShapesTextOld |
string |
This endpoint returns the basic information about a tenant in BlueDolphin. It is primarily used to test the OData connection before starting to work with real resources.
The resource destination URL is https://{tenantname}, where {tenantname} is unique to your tenant.
Response properties
Property |
Type |
Description |
Name |
string |
The name of the tenant in the database |
Customername |
string |
The friendly name of the tenant that is displayed in UI |
Language |
string |
Specifies whether the language of the tenant is English (EN) or Dutch (NL) |
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