Our AI Assistant is designed to help you navigate and master the features of BlueDolphin efficiently.
Follow these simple steps to make the most out of your interaction.
Data privacy
Our AI Assistant in the current version only uses the ValueBlue documentation and publicly available knowledge. It does not use any customer data for generating responses, nor does it store any customer data, including questions. ValueBlue does not use customer data, including questions, for training or evaluation purposes. Should the policy change, users will be notified accordingly and will have the option to opt out.
Access the AI Assistant
To access the AI Assistant, look for the icon located in the upper-right corner of the screen. Click on the icon and a conversation window will open.
Initiate a conversation
Once the conversation window is open, type your question or query into the text field provided. Press Enter or click on the send button to submit your question.
Language support
The BlueDolphin AI Assistant supports interaction in multiple languages, including English, Dutch, and other Latin-script languages. However, it is important to note that the BlueDolphin tenant officially supports only English and Dutch.
Receive assistance
Our AI Assistant will respond to your question with helpful information or guidance. The response will be based on our extensive knowledge base and customized to address your specific query. If you need more detailed information on a topic, the assistant will provide a link to the relevant article for further reading.
The AI chatbot assistant can use previously asked queries in the thread as conversational context, potentially leading to improved answers. So if you want to remove the context, start a new conversation by clicking New chat.
Close the conversation
Once you have found the information needed, close the conversation window by clicking . Clicking anywhere outside the window also closes the conversation window. Please note that closing the current chat or the entire window will delete the conversation thread and conversations are not saved for privacy and security reasons.
Our AI Assistant is here to support you every step of the way, whether you're learning to use BlueDolphin or looking for assistance with specific tasks. We hope you find it helpful in your journey.
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