In this article, we will explain briefly what has changed in the ArchiMate 3.1 layering.
- The layering of the object browser is divided into four main areas: Generic, Vision & Strategy, Architecture, and Dictionaries.
- Generic area contains the Location objects, which have been transferred from the Business layer.
Vision & Strategy area contains the following layers: Motivation, Strategy, Migration & Implementation.
Motivation layer changes:
- "Outcome", "Meaning" and "Value" will be added to this layer. Value and Meaning have been transferred from the Business layer.
Strategy layer changes:
- New objects added to this new layer are: "Resource", "Capability", "Course of Action", and "Value Stream".
Migration & Implementation layer changes:
- The new object "Implementation Event" will be added to this layer.
- The new object "Implementation Event" will be added to this layer.
Motivation layer changes:
Architecture area contains the following layers: Business, Application, Technology, and Physical layer.
Business layer changes:
- Object "Location" will be moved to the Generic layer.
- Objects "Meaning" and "Value" will be transferred to the motivation extension.
Application Layer changes:
- Objects "Application Process" and "Application Event" will be added to this layer.
Technology layer changes:
- Objects: "Communication Path", "Infrastructure Interface", "Infrastructure Function" and "Infrastructure Service" will be renamed to respectively: "Path", "Technology Interface", "Technology Function" and "Technology service"
- Objects "Technology Process" and "Technology Event" will be added to this layer.
Physical Layer changes:
- Objects "Equipment", "Facility", "Distribution Network" and "Material" will be added to this layer.
- Objects "Equipment", "Facility", "Distribution Network" and "Material" will be added to this layer.
Business layer changes:
- Dictionaries is only shown if you have the data module. The following layer appears in the Dictionaries: the logical data dictionaries.
Some object definitions may need to be updated by your administrator, as explained here.
Note: The new ArchiMate 3.1 content must then be enabled for use and linked to appropriate user roles.
Links to "OpenGroup" are broken :)
Thank you for pointing this out, Eric Arts! They've been replaced now.
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