AMEFF stands for the ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format. An AMEFF file is used to exchange ArchiMate models between tools.
To import an AMEFF file into BlueDolphin:
1. Go to the Admin area.
2. In the menu on the left-hand side, under System click Import.
3. Click the Upload AMEFF file button and then select the AMEFF file you want to upload into BlueDolphin.
The imported AMEFF files appear in a list below the upload button. The three buttons appear for each file:
- Map and import Objects
- Map and import Relationships
- Import Views
Please click on any or all of the three buttons to perform the specific tasks labeled on them. You can, for example, choose to only import objects or not to import views.
If you want to successfully import relationships and views, it's important to complete the actions in the above order. When BlueDolphin has completed the action, a checkmark will appear.
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