BlueDolphin allows you to set colors on questionnaires with a checkbox, dropdown/select or dropdown/radio menu. The benefit of this functionality is that every time the same color is used for a unique answer.
For example, when using the conditional layout, all questions answered with a positive value automatically get the same unique green color. Positive answers can be "yes", "good" or "positive". Similarly, the questions answered with a negative value, such as "no", "bad" or "negative" get the same unique red color.
Colors are set in the Admin menu, under the headings Object questionnaires and Relationship questionnaires. When you open a questionnaire, you will see that every value has a unique color. This color is automatically filled in by BlueDolphin and is visible on every view with this questionnaire.
To change the color, click the color field. The color can be changed to a standard color or you can make a custom one with the color palette.
When a question has not been answered, the objects turn red because the answer is negative. The color changes automatically as soon as the question is answered. If multiple answers are selected, the object will have multiple colors.
If a conditional layout is enabled, you will be able to see this via the legend. Open the legend by clicking this icon in the toolbar .
Hovering over the conditional layout elements in the legend shows an eye icon on that line, as shown in the image below. Click the line to temporarily activate or deactivate the conditional layout of the element.
Object questionnaires
To set a new condition, click the icon for the conditional layout and then the plus sign . The following window opens:
In the field Title, type in the name of the condition. To create a conditional layout for an object questionnaire, select Object field for the field Condition. Then select the specific questionnaire in the second field and the value in the third field. Click OK to save the condition.
Relationship questionnaires
You can set a condition based on a field from the relationship questionnaire connected to a specific relationship/object combination. This functionality provides valuable insights and data analysis by using the information stored in relationships. It can be applied in numerous use cases, such as: state analysis on relationships, analysis of applications assigned to application functions, CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) analysis on access relationships, deviation impact and status, and more.
To add a new condition based on a relationship questionnaire field, follow the steps below.
1. Click the icon for the conditional layout and then the plus sign . The following window opens:
2. Type in the name for a new condition in the field Title. To create a conditional layout for a relationship questionnaire, select specific values for all fields:
- Select Relationship for the field Condition.
- Select a specific object type or all objects for the field Source object type.
- Select the type of a relationship for the field Relationship type.
- Select a specific target object type or all objects for the field Target object type.
3. After you have selected all fields, tick the box Use a field from a relationship questionnaire or the relationship label. The fields from the relationship questionnaire linked to a specific object combination become available.
4. Select the field based on which you want to create the condition.
5. Click OK to confirm.
When creating a conditional layout based on a relationship, you also have an option to create a condition based on a relationship label. The label is always the first option in the dropdown selection and it is preselected if there is no questionnaire available for the combination.
Here, select Label for the option Field and click OK.
For the conditional layout based on a relationship questionnaire field, the conditional color is applied to the source and target object (not the line itself). If an object has multiple relationships and meets the condition, the colors from all values are applied, irrespective of the relationships that are visible in the view.
Hovering over the side of the colored segment provides a tooltip which contains the following information: the relationship, target object type, target object type name, questionnaire field, and value. This feature comes in handy, for example, when you need to locate the object that is part of the relationship and is causing a certain behavior, but is not necessarily present on the view.
In the example below, the application component Deskera Machine Master has the 'flow to' relationship with the application component SAP ERP. You can open the relationship and its questionnaire "Flow Attributes" by clicking the relationship line and opening the object properties, as in the image below:
The conditional layout named "Flow type" is created based on the ''Type of flow" field from the questionnaire. The application component SAP ERP has all values that are specified in the conditional layout and is colored accordingly, as in the screenshot below:
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