Views can be downloaded in different formats in BlueDolphin. One of the options is to download as a BlueDolphin AMEFF file. An AMEFF file is used to import and export ArchiMate models to and from other tools. However, only the ArchiMate objects and shapes are exported and imported with these files. If a view also contains free shapes, they will not be shown.
By downloading a view as a BlueDolphin AMEFF, the entire view is saved, both the objects and free shapes.
This way, it is possible to export a complete view from BlueDolphin and then import it into another BlueDolphin tenant. A BlueDolphin AMEFF file is, therefore, only compatible with BlueDolphin tenants.
Importing a BlueDolphin AMEFF file works the same as for other AMEFF files. To import an AMEFF file to BlueDolphin, go to the Admin menu and then select Import.
Click the button and then select the BlueDolphin AMEFF file you want to import to the BlueDolphin tenant.
There will be three buttons below the imported file:
- Map and import Objects
- Map and import Relationships
- Import Views
If the view only consists of free shapes, you only have to press the button for importing views. If the view also consists of objects and/or relationships, these options must also be selected. As soon as an action has been completed, a checkmark will appear.
Download our empty BlueDolphin AMEFF templates
Our empty templates are available at the BlueDolphin AMEFF template library. You can download them and import them into your BlueDolphin tenant.
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