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Add Objects to Architecture Views



  • Arnoud Willemsen

    Hi, this new feature still assumes that I know what objects are new or existing.

    What if I don't know that? In the repository over time there are thousands of objects.

    I don't even want think about it. I want to be serviced when entering a number of object titles, where BD tells me which ones are new and which ones are existing AND also adds the existing to the view.

  • Maren Vos

    Hi Arnoud, when you use the "add new" functionality on a view, you can add a number of objects in batches. Then, BD shows you which objects are already in the DB and which ones are new in the overview. Is this what you are looking for?

  • Arnoud Willemsen

    Hi Maren, this was already an existing functionality incorporated in this new feature.

    What it didn't do, was also adding the existing objects to the view. It only added the new ones.

    What I'm looking for is that the ones that are already in the DB are also added to the view.

  • Maren Vos

    Hi Arnoud, for me it does add the existing objects to the view. Maybe we can have a look at that together with our support team? Because it might be that I dont understand what you mean, and we would like to improve this control later on with the new wishes that we get!


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