Deleted Objects can be stored in the archive. A deleted object’s relationships, sources, diagram, questionnaires, and history remain viewable within BlueDolphin for reference purposes. This allows you to retain a full inventory of historic object data.
In the Objects tab, the object drop-down differentiates between Active (including current and future) and Archive objects. Users can select between the Active and Archive option to search each repository respectively.
To delete the object, search or navigate to the object from the list of objects. Click the trash can icon in the top-right corner.
Confirm that you wish to delete the object. The object will now be stored in the archive.
To see the complete list of deleted objects, go to the Objects tab and select Archive from the drop-down.
Once an object has been deleted and is stored in the archive, you can view object information but can no longer edit it. In the Messages tab, it is possible to tag another user in order to notify them of the object’s deletion.
Note: Deleted objects cannot be reactivated from the Archive.
Objects in the archive will no longer be connected to any views. The object has been deleted from the active repository. Therefore, the Views tab of objects in the archive will always be empty.
It is possible to see the full history of all deleted objects, including when an object was created, changed, or deleted – and when, where and by whom this was done.
When performing a search in the object navigation, relevant search results are divided into Active, Current, Future, and Archive objects.
1 comment
As I just wished for, it'd be nice to be able to:
- Restore objects from the archive as accidents happen
- And also be able to see what views the object was on - maybe just a hard link that isn't maintained would save a lot of research and re-work time
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