Note: Changes made before December 12th, 2021 will not be shown. For a BPMN view, the History tab only shows the preview of the view.
In order to check the history on views, make sure that the object viewer is activated. You will then be able to see the name of the view and the history of the view on the right-hand side:
By clicking the name of your view you will see the following information:
- When it was created and by whom
- Owner, status, type, and shared with details
Clicking the History tab will show you the following window:
Clicking Refresh will update the information in this window.
Search by period
It is possible to view history for different time periods of time, namely daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly:
The timeline can also be used to help you find a time period faster. By clicking the orange dot, you can select a date directly from the calendar:
Here are the symbols and their meanings:
Go to the first day of history
Go to the last day of history
There is no history yet
Go one step back
Go one step further
Search bar
Search terms can be entered via the search bar, and the search results can also be filtered via the dropdown menu Widgets and Users. In Widgets, it is possible to filter your search results by turning specific fields on or off. In Users you can, among other things, select specific users or roles to refine your search results:
These are the widgets that you can find in the history of the view: Actions, Objects, Relationships, Lines, and Shapes. By collapsing the widget on the right side you can minimize or maximize the display of the widget:
It is possible to track a log of the following actions per widget:
- shared with
- unshared with
- renamed - changed action type
- saved as - only on the newly created draft's part
- published - only on the newly created draft's part
- officialized - only on the newly created draft's part
- added - when a new node (object/draft) is added to the view (every time, even if duplicate)
- deleted - when a node (object/draft) is removed from the view (every time, even if duplicate)
- changed - not possible
- added - when a new link (relationship) is added to the view (every time, even if duplicate)
- deleted - when a link (relationship) is removed from the view (every time, even if duplicate)
- changed - not possible
- added - when a new link (line) is added to the view
- deleted - when a link (line) is removed from the view
- changed - when a link (line) text is changed; when a link (line) type is changed; when a link (line) is switched (to/from columns); when a link (line) is relinked (to/from columns)
- added - when a new node (shape/text/group) is added to the view
- deleted - when a node (shape/text/group) is removed from the view
- changed - when a node (shape/text/group) text is changed
- *in case of group added/deleted can complicate if group changes the type to shape group, that's also a delete action
Note: When you add a different view, for example an Architecture view (2, 3), to your current view, for example a CS Flow (1), and then click on the newly added view (4), you will be able to open this view (5) and track its history (6).
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