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Hector.3 Release notes (September 18th, 2023)



  • Official comment
    Ameya Sapre

    Hi Roeland Loggen Robert Kuijvenhoven MG || Gemeente Tilburg ,

    We hear your concerns regarding releasing the most voted/highly requested features. We also acknowledge that Hector.3 is not the most significant and impactful release we'll ever deploy.

    Over the past few quarters, we have been working on many of the most highly requested features. We are finishing up the last details for releasing:

    • Public API (expected October for end points ‘objects’, ‘relations’ and ‘object definitions’; currently in acceptance)
    • Alpha release for BPMN, with a test group of 7 customers. The new BPMN addresses many of the existing challenges with BPMN. (Alpha release expected October.)
    • Removal of login activation link (Expected December)

    Alongside the above, we have been spending a lot of time on enhancing our platform's stability over the past months; modernizing our tech stack. While this does cost us time at the expense of releasing more new features, stability is critical to customers as well. Because we firmly believe stability and performance are vital to further scale the platform, we need to balance this with releasing ‘new’ functionality.

    In order to do this, we have been migrating to both a new front-end framework (React) as well as a back-end architecture (to AKS). The improvements to the top menu bar and notifications in Hector.3 are not only design upgrades, but complete migrations to the new front-end framework, allowing us to become faster and more reliable in the future.

    We do completely understand that you want to see more features, faster — and so do we — but we hope you understand that we're doing our very best to balance the release of new features and finishing major features we started building with upgrading our existing back-end and front-end to secure future scalability. By doing this, we’re safeguarding our speed of development for the future.

    We are always glad to hear your feedback, and appreciate your understanding and patience — thank you!

    Team ValueBlue

  • Roeland Loggen

    Don't want to be a nag. But… It is me? I see (again) minor improvements, with limited value. Where are the major wishes, that many of the users in the forum are requesting, some for over 3 years now?

  • Robert Kuijvenhoven

    No, it is not you. There are still a lot of major wishes in the community. It would be really helpful if ValueBlue will gather the major wishes from the community and schedule a voting session to see what is really important for the customers. 

  • MG || Gemeente Tilburg

    No, it is not you.

    But when I read words like “excited” and the use of exclamation marks, I start to wonder if prioritisation of the backlog is done right. Hands up who wants the changes listed above?

  • Roeland Loggen

    Thanks fellow-users for your support.

    I see now a new support reaction-pattern: 

    “Noted, your suggestion has been added to our backlog for future consideration given other planned priorities. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions. Have a nice day!”

    Nice to hear, but it does not give any clue on prioritization or planning. In addition: where can I find this backlog?? 

    I think it is time for a new governance-structure, with a formal and independent user group, that has insight and a say in the prioritization of the back log. 

    MG || Gemeente Tilburg Robert Kuijvenhoven 

  • Fred van der Meulen

    >>I think it is time for a new governance-structure, with a formal and independent user group, that has insight >>and a say in the prioritization of the back log

    For municipalities this step recently has been initiated (gemeentelijke gebruikersgroep bluedolphin). 
    No insight / influence on the backlog yet, but an intent to get this organized so my hopes are up :)


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