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Connect several selected objects with a chosen relationship to another object in one action




  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hi Wes, 

    Thanks for your wish. I have translated your wish for our BD users how don't speak Dutch! 

    ''Connect several selected objects with a chosen relationship to another object in one action.'' 


  • Marco de Bock

    Hi Wes,

    Your wish looks a bit like mine:

    In that wish, I want to multi-edit objects in the Objects list, and then edit a relationship field in a questionnaire. Editing standard text fields and drop-downs is already possible with multi-select, but editing relationships isn't.


  • Kim van Rooijen

    Wes Heemskerk 

    I will pass on your additions to the product owner because it's slightly the same as Marco de Bock's wish. And that wish will become a roadmap item. 

    I will keep you updated! 


  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hi Wes Heemskerk

    We discussed your wish with the product owner, and we handle your wish independently of Marco's wish. This item is not yet on the road map, so I cannot give any details about the timeline. 

    Of course, I will keep this wish up-to-date when I have more information share with you. 






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