BPMN: go to corresponding call activity with double click
CompletedClicking on a call activity and going to the coresponding BPMN view now uses a right click. Would it be possible to change this to a double click, like the archimate views use?
Official comment
Hi Nienke,
I wanted to let you know this was part of last weekend's release!
Now you need to right click and select "open view" or in dutch "open werkset". This only works when there's a official views behind the call activity.
I agree on the double click so it will be consistent with how it works in the architecture part of BlueDolphin. In fact i think there's already a backlog item for this Kim van Rooijen could you check this?
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Hi all,
I want to let you know that this will be part of the UX improvements and is planned for Q3 or Q4!
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* Update: I moved this post to the topic Product wishes *
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Thanks for the update and thank you this change!
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