Insert tables into Archimate views
AnsweredBesides wanting to add pictures, I would like to be able to insert tables to Archimate views. Similar to adding tables into a Word document or PowerPoint presentation.
A simple table without any formatting would be a nice start. Formatting pre-sets can be added later.
Thanks for your wish!
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It'll be added to my monthly feedback meeting!
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Hi Marco,
I am so so sorry for this late response :(! We are going to add a feature that aligns with this wish. Unfortunately, I cannot tell when this will be added to BlueDolphin so please keep an eye on the release channel!
Thank you for your feedback :) !
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Workaround: stack rectangular shapes on top of each other... But would be nice feature to have that. In effect: slowing growing to a some kind of Miro environment, but with a concept-database behind it.
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