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Disabling locking of views




  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hi Sander van der Linden

    Thank you for your wish! 

  • Kim van Rooijen

    I will discuss this in my monthly feedback meeting! 

  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hi Sander van der Linden

    When you go to admin - views you have an overview of all views, also the locked ones. Does this help? 

  • Sander van der Linden

    Hi Kim van Rooyen,

    No, that does not help. I already mentioned that the views can be found that way, as long as you know the name.

    Even if you get a link, it will not open even when you are an admin. A normal way of working in finding a view, is going to an object you know is on the view and then via the View tab finding the correct view. However, these locked views won't show there unless you are the owner or if it is shared by you. Not even admins can find them like that. That can create black holes when users leave the company. When you want to remove an object (because it is decomissioned for example), you get the message that the object is used in a (private) view but you have no way of finding the view.

    So, a solution could be if admins would be able to see these views in the View tab of objects or if these views would show up (after deleting) in a kind of integrity check as the views are then in error due to the missing objects.

  • Kim van Rooijen

    Thanks Sander van der Linden! We have put this item on our short-term (<2years) wishlist. Please keep an eye on the roadmap and release channel!


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