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Restrict access to sensitive data




  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hi Maarten van Schie

    Thanks for your wish! 

  • Kim van Rooijen

    it'll be added to my monthly feedback meeting! 

  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hey! We have added this wish to our list! I cannot share any time-specific information about when we will release this feature but please keep an eye on our release channel here in the community! 

  • Maarten van Schie

    I'm still waiting for this feature

    It is very important to be able to onboard security, privacy and procurement and their data as the data is too sensitive for all user to acces. 

    Can you give an update on this feature request?

  • Maarten Stegmann

    We have the same need for improvement: it should be possible to block entrance to a questionair for certain groups of users. Preferably this also leads to not even showing the tab to this questionair to that group.

    And beware of the use of the API : this does not look at autorisations in BlueDolphin, so anyone with the key to the API can still access the hidden info. Best is not to allow the information from such a quenstionair through the API, until a better solution is worked out.

  • Maarten van Schie

    The wish is still high on my list!


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