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Add Application Service as object types that maps to BPMN Task Object



  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hi Antoon Van der Gouw

    Thanks for your wish. Gerard Michels can you please take a look at this one? 

  • Gerard Michels

    This wish will be communicated to the product owner. In our current design we indeed skip the more abstract application service layer to relate process tasks to the more concrete application components in the application layer.

    A suggestion is to find the right application to connect to a task and create the detailed relationships while doing so. The advantage is that your repository holds the required relations and objects - no workaround objects. The procedure when connecting the application layer to a task:

    Click on MyProcess and go to Relationships. If still needed, create a relationship with the application service for the task. See first screenshot. Click on the service object to navigate to the application component (possibly via relationships of the service with an application function or interface). Connect that application component to the task. See second screenshot. You may include the service name in the naming convention of the Task.  

  • Eric Arts

    Will it be enabled in the future in the new BPMN Editor?


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