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20/6/2021: Release note



  • Renso J

    Kim van Rooijen, did something change to the relationship picker window?
    If I remember correctly, it previously also contained a preview of the type of arrow that corresponded to the relation

  • Kim van Rooijen

    Hi Renso J

    No, we didn't make any changes to the relationship tool. If I try to make a relationship between two objects on the canvas and I can add a new one - I see the type of arrows: 

    You are also on the canvas, right? 

  • Renso J

    Yeah, I was on the canvas when I made the screenshot.
    Today the arrows are back again, so maybe a temporary glitch or something.

  • Kim van Rooijen

    I am glad everything works as it should be now! If you experience this again, please let me know!



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