Dark mode
Not plannedCould BlueDolphin be expanded with a Dark mode?
"Dark mode will be better for people who suffer from migraines, have a hangover or are just browsing the web in bed at night with the light off. Designing for the few, makes things better for the many." Quote from: https://charlesrt.uk/blog/the-dark-web-rises/
BlueDolphin uses a white canvas, understandable. But during late night / evening or early morning work it is too bright. It would be immensely helpful to have a dark-mode toggle for at least the canvas.
Official comment
Hello all,
Native dark mode for BlueDolphin is not planned.
Team ValueBlue
You can find browser extensions available that do this trick for you for every website! For example, I myself use the extension Dark Reader (Chrome). See the result below.
Would this work for you Arnoud Willemsen and Renso J?
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I simply adjust the brightness of my screen on my Windows computer.
With iOS I understand, this can work automatically.
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I do that to, and activate nightlight and still it hurts my eyes :)
All day I work in dark mode in other applications and then I experience the difference.
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Thanks for the tip. Not for me, but perhaps for RJ.
To me it is sufficient to dim the brightness of the screen.
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Thanks Lars Reeker, this could help.
In my experience with this kind of extensions, there will always be some exceptions in which native support is better.0 -
Great to hear Renso J.
Of course, agree. Exception with this particular extension is that the objects and free forms are not made dark. But the white colors of the canvas and menu & toolbar are!
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Sorry Lars Reeker, bumped into the first 'limitation' already.
The extension makes the canvas black, but the lines of the relations between objects are also black so they are not visible anymore.Fiddling with the configuration helps off course.
It will do for now, but maybe you can bring it up for review by the UX design team and promote it to a feature request ;)
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Renso J, yes agree. You need to reconfigure it a bit to make it work.
@..., this is still a legitimate product wish I think!
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Hi Renso J and Lars Reeker,
Valid request! Thanks for sharing the ideas. I have checked and it seems that we did not get similar requests before. I will add it to our wishlist. I will update you if/when it is being picked up.
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Thanks Lars, this helps for at least a ton of other things I need to do during the day (or night).
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