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Search field for managing users



  • Roeland Loggen

    Good idea! Agree.

  • Raymond J. Blauw

    The whole user management could have an upgrade from a user management perspective


    1. List/table view with option to sort on all fields
    2. Additional fields: status (new/not yet activated, activated, disabled, locked, archived), last login date/time
    3. Manually (temporarly) disable an account
    4. Possibility to manage (assing/delete) roles from within the user record (as addition to assinging role from the role record)
    5. Export all these (additional) user details in order to compare the content with other sources, e.q. employment/HR system (currently the basic fields of users can be exported via a report)
  • Erwin Dral

    Hi Richard, 
    thanks for the original wish (and the other RRRs for chiming in), 
    these improvements to the users table, and role assignments would certainly help, 
    but we're considering to improve user and role management in a different way,
    by supporting 'automatic user provisioning'.

    This would mean that CRUD of users and their assigned roles could be done automatically,
    through public API calls, issued by the customers IAM solution, 
    and that the BlueDolphin administrator doesn't have to manually create, update, delete users or role assignments anymore. 

    Questions to you: 
    1. Would automatic user pre-provisioning (using SCIM 2.0) be an option in your situation? 
    2. Assuming you could use automatic user provisioning,
    would you still want to manually assign additional roles to individual users?
    Or would that be against the principle of the IAM being the central system of record for all role assignments? 
    3. Assuming you could use automatic user provisioning,
    would you still wish for the mentioned improvements to the users 'table'
    (an actual table with more columns, sort & filter on any column, assigning roles per user,
    temporary disable/enable a user to login etc.) 


  • Richard Floor

    Hi Erwin,

    My answers to your questions:

    1. Yes, this would be greatly useful for managing many users in a more professional way.

    2. Making temporary changes for testing purposes could be useful, but only when there is a clear mechanism to distinguish between automatically and manually provisioned accounts. I agree that this last option is in some way against the IAM principles.

    3. Yes, this would be useful for BD administrators for analysing problems and questions from BD users if this table is at least "read only". In my situation, I am one of the BD administrators but not an administrator of other company resources. 

  • Jackson Chackungal

    Just bumping up this request. We would be adding about 1500 users and having the ablity to search for a user to determine the role they have would be really useful


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