Dusky.1 Release notes (November 22, 2022)
The latest BlueDolphin release, Dusky.1, is now available. We are excited to bring to you one of most awaited features - images on views!
Feature highlight:
- You can now add images to Architecture and Data views. A drag-and-drop interaction enables you to place images (from your computer) such as company logos on the views. Files of JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG, and ICO types are supported. A max of 1 MB per file is allowed. You can do basic editing such as copy/pasting, deleting, resizing, rotating, and layering with the images
- For more information on this feature, please check out the product documentation
Bug fixes:
- Long text values for dropdown options in questionnaires does not result in jumbled text
- Copy/paste of content across views open in multiple tabs is now consistent
- Fixed an issue in XSD validation that caused certain AMEFF files to not import
- Renaming a view does not cause strange result such as letters disappearing
- Object search now shows accurate object count
OData improvements:
- Pulling large historical datasets does not result in errors
Robert Kuijvenhoven daar is ie dan :)
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Yesssss! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Patrick Storms you don't need images, you have ASCII :)
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Eric Arts zeker! Een mooi begin, nu nog iets meer dan die ene MB ;-)
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Zou ook leuk zijn als de images gekoppeld kunnen worden aan objects als alternatieve presentatie. In een view zou je dan kunnen instellen dat je de alternatieve presentatie wenst zodat je iets kunt maken als:
gebaseerd op de formele registratie.
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Let us first get a library, so people can re-use images easily.
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