Tagging views
Answered- What is your wish?
To be able to add tags to views and search them by tag.
- What is the problem you encounter?
All views are now presented in one big list. There is some grouping on My Views, Shared Views etc. But this does not provide any context information on the content of the views. It is hard to find the appropriate view in the list and understand what it represents. To better organise, group, and find views, adding keywords (tags) would be very helpful.
- Why do you want this wish?
See problem above.
- Do you have a workaround? And if so, what is it?
The only way is to agree on a very disciplined naming convention for the view and include keywords in the name.
- How would you ideally solve the problem?
To be able to add keyword tags, and use these tags to search and group views, would be very helpful. Similar to the tagging feature in Zendesk, but then applied to BlueDolphin views.
For inspiration, see: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408888664474-About-tags
Also, for future features tagging can be very powerful. For instance: create an approval workflow for all views that have the "approval".
- How big is the problem on a scale from 1 to 5?
(1 = it would be nice, but definitely not necessary,
5 = I can't work another day without it).
Official comment
Hi Patrick Storms,
Thanks for the insight on the basis of your inspiration sessions.
We think this is indeed valuable to have, but it would require more elaborate changes to the way views are stored in BlueDolphin. We cannot prioritize that at this moment, as that would mean other planned items will fall off the roadmap.
We have added this issue to the backlog for 2024, instead. -
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To clarify: added this product based on inspiration sessions with existing clients.
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Even just having the ability to group views together in a folder structure would be really useful
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This has to be a priority feature request.
How big is the problem on a scale from 1 to 5? For larger or diverse businesses with a large range of systems this is 4
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Dear BlueDolphin users,
We have now partially resolved easy access to views by adding favorite feature.
Next is tagging of views, which we are researching as of now and will keep you posted as we progress.
Thank you, have a nice day!
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Upvoting - Thank you!
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Upvoted - very useful!
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Upvoting this and I will also add a new Product wish to apply tags to objects in addition. This will help the architects in Blue Dolphin search and discover for reuse related objects and use tags as alias names in the search. We currently have hundreds of application objects and capabilities that an architect has to search for and navigate through so we struggle to appropriately name them for easy search tokens. For the organization we are in I would also say this is a high need (4 or 5 out of 5)
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