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(Seamless) SSO without a login screen



8 opmerkingen

  • Officiële opmerking
    Tom de Ridder

    Hi all,

    We've checked the reported behavior for the login flow. At the moment, the behavior is like intended.

    However, we think we should re-evaluate the way the logout works. In the sense that a logout should not block automatic logging in, in subsequent visits to BlueDolphin

  • Arjan van Laar

    Hoi Tom,

    Ik zie dat er een officiële reactie is gekomen dat jullie de werking heroverwegen, maar wat betekent dit precies? Gaat dit opgelost worden? Enige indicatie van oplevering?

    Je eerdere vraag of er een support ticket is aangemaakt -→ heb contact gehad via de chat en daar te horen gekregen dat het werkt zoals intended en dat ik een product wish moest aanmaken…

  • Tom de Ridder

    Hi Arjan van Laar ,

    This is something that is already configurable in BlueDolphin. It involves turning off the BlueDolphin login option.

    If there is only one identity provider configured, the system will automatically try to log you on using that identity provider, creating a seamless login experience.

    If you need any help setting this up, please let us know.

    Here is the relevant article on this: Configure identity providers – BlueDolphin (valueblue.nl)

    Please be aware that this can only be performed by administrators.


  • Arjan van Laar

    Hi Tom de Ridder ,

    We already have turned off the BD login option and still we get to see the login screen. See printscreens below (from test but production is the same situation).

    Everyday with the first login we face this login screen. Once you clicked on the identity provider you are logged in for the rest of the day, but it first is a manual action.

    And as I mentioned in my product wish it is confusing for non-daily users in BD that you have the option ‘Wachtwoord vergeten’ and ‘Inloggen met Valueblue’, because these are not really options.

    So my wish is still relevant and I am hoping you can resolve this.



  • M.Suurmond

    Same here in Eindhoven.

    Although only one Eindhoven identity provider is ticked, we have to click the Eindhoven logo when we log in in BlueDolphin logo the first time every day, or after clicking “Uitloggen” in the profile menu

  • Tom de Ridder

    Hi Arjan van Laar and M.Suurmond the functionality is not supposed to work that way. If there is just one IDP option, BD should and redirect users to log in directly.

    Did both of you create support tickets for this behavior?

  • Tom de Ridder

    Hi Arjan,


    I'll respond in English for now.

    The main thing we would like to change is that after logging out, a flag is set in your browsers local profile indicating that BD should not log in automatically when hitting https://bluedolphin.app/<customer> . This causes BD not to immediately try and log in to the single IDP that is configured and therefore will present the list of IDPs and ask the user to make a choice (there is only one choice). 

    This flag is not cleared after you for example close your browser. It only resets when you log in.

    The behavior we want to change is that the flag is cleared when the IDP screen is shown after a log out, so that next time a user tries to log in, the login process with a single IDP is automatic.

  • Ronald Reijnierse

    Hi Tom, same here @diagnostiekvooru. I've also had the chat with support on this, getting the answer this is by design and have to fill in as a wish. So joining this one. 

    We've disabled the Blue Dolphin IDP, so there is only 1 login at the moment. Why click this one logo, whereas we've got many webtools using SSO without having to click a login image or whatever. 



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