BPMN: move/resizing swimminglanes
BeantwoordI'd like to be able to move a swimminglane within a pool, where the all the processen move with the lane to the new location or when resizing a swimming lane, the processen stay in the swimminglane they have been placed in the first place.
While we look in to achieving these, could you please try the following for the 1st situation and let us know your feedback?
1. Add a new lane
2. Take the lasso tool from the tool bar and select all the elements from the source pool
3. Drag/drop over to the new lane
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I'm replying to your follow up question that came via email.
For moving and resizing scenarios you described, we will put them on our research list.
The steps mentioned above (for moving) is indeed a partial workaround and may not yield the desired outcome.
Thank you,
Team ValueBlue
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