Save a diagram/view in new BPMN as favourite
What is your wish?
Be able to favourite a diagram/view in BPMN so I can find my diagram faster. This functionality is in place on an architecture view.
What is the problem you encounter?
With multiple colleagues working on diagrams the diagrams page changes a lot and it is harder to quickly find my diagram.
Why do you want this wish?
Favourites in architecture works well! I would like to use the same functionality in Processes.
Do you have a workaround? And if so, what is it?
Search engine, if you know the name of the diagram.
How big is the problem on a scale from 1 to 5?
Officiële opmerking
Hi Dave Schut,
We may consider this for future prioritization depending on the level of interest from more users.
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1 opmerking