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'Processes' Release notes (January 13th, 2025)


5 opmerkingen

  • Michel Timp

    Does the proces modeller require a license?

  • Ameya Sapre

    Hello Michel Timp,

    Please reach out to your BlueDolphin account manager for questions around licensing.

    Thank you,

    Team ValueBlue

  • Lars Nonnekes

    We were kind of caught by surprise with this change (notification before christmas holidays and subsecuent release 2 weeks after new year..).
    Our previously assigned modellers now cannot create new BPMNs is there a recommended way to merge the roles or other solutions that would be custommer friendly?
    Best regards,

  • Ameya Sapre

    Hello Lars Nonnekes,

    You should give the assigned modelers the ‘Process modelers’ role. BlueDolphin allows users to have multiple roles and you can put the modelers in this role in addition to the role they have.

  • Lars Nonnekes

    Hi Ameya Sapre ,

    Thanks for the fast response! Is there not also a way to supplement our current modellers role with the required authorisation? 
    Our technical implementation of roles involves a SCIM setup via our AD, while possible to modify this it would be less involved to be able to resolve this solely in BlueDolphin.


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