Export BPMN processes including a description of task fields
VoltooidNu bestaat de download functie enkel uit het downloaden van een pdf of png van de tekening zelf.
De beschrijvingen binnen de taken gaan dan verloren.
Officiële opmerking
Hi all,
This functionality is now released with the Atlantic.2 release.
Atlantic.2 release notes (March 5-6 2022)
Thank you.
Agreed. Optimally we would like to be able to export the whole process to PDF or DOCx. This includes all tasks, but also their relationships to each other, the relevant application components, roles/actors and definitely their descriptions. This way, it is easier to share process information with third parties (internally and externally), without everyone having to deal with BlueDolphin and/or BPMN.
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This wish is more or less the same:
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Thanks for your wish. I have translated it for our BD users who don't speak Dutch and I have also translated the title:
The download function for BPMN only consists of downloading a pdf or png of the drawing itself. The descriptions within the tasks are then lost. Your wish: Export function for BPMN processes including descriptions of the task fields
I have translated your addition to this wish:
BPMN process descriptions are used to retrieve process activities and link our requirements to them. It's impossible to list the activities: title, actors and description, etc. We cannot now share it with, for example, a supplier or view it in any other way than in BlueDolpin.
Please let me know if this translation gives a clear picture of your wish?
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Kim van Rooijen Could you tell us if this wish is on any roadmap or future plan? By using the BPMN module more often, this wish is increasingly more relevant.
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This wish is one of our future plans. It'll be added to my monthly feedback meeting! I will keep you posted.
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Is it possible to rewrite the requirement in such a way that it is able to select and export all information (workset, object, descriptions, etc) for BMPN, Architecture ánd data into a document format (doc, pdf, etc)?
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Perhaps it's better to add those wishes as a new and separate wish?
The requirements and wishes for the exports for Archimate and the Data module can be significantly different than the export for the BPMN views I assume. Combining these would make things a bit hazy. For instance, what would you like to see in an export for a Archimate view?
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Hi All,
I just wanted to give you a little update about this one! Our UX team is busy designing this feature. Still cannot give any time-specific details, but now you know we are working on this one RN!
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Hi Kim van Rooijen and UX team,
Any update on timelines already? I am getting increasing requests on this feature, so looking forward to its release.
Thanks, best
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It's here. Agreed, it could look nicer and more esthetically separated, but this is a good start. Thanks VB.
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Thank you for the feedback. Keep sharing your thoughts with us.
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Ameya Sapre Can you tell us if any updates to the PDF export functionality is planned? I'm wondering whether I should create another wish for this feature, as it actually doesn't really do what we needed.
1) The lay-out is horrible and unreadable. We'd like more colour (like in the Process Portal) and bold texts for instance.
2) Sometimes the text from the description fields in tasks doesn't fit on the PDF page, it falls off on the right.0 -
Updates to the PDF export functionality in Process portal are not planned. It is great that you have entered a new wish. We will monitor the interest.
Thank you.
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