Connect a relation in the spot of the object you want to on the place you want to connect it
When you draw a relation between object, the relatie will be made in the middel of the object.
When we use large objects, you constantly have to move the relation to the dot you want to connect it to.
Time consuming and not handy.
The re-bending of the relationship-lines is time consuming, so I agree, although I'm not sure how this should work exactly.
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MG || Gemeente Tilburg To start it would be very handy of we could connect the relation to an object at the place where we want to connect it. At this moment there is apparently only one spot, in the middel of the object.
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When you initiate the relationship line yes.
But when you redraw the line you can choose anywhere you want. But I guess this wish is to hold on to the place where you have redrawn the line. Me not being sure how it should work, is when you resize the object - what happens to the spot you've chose for the connection of the line?
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I approve and suggest the following:
Change the initial way of connecting, do not change the way of manual overrule.
The initial connection should not be at the middle of the nearest side of a related object (as-is), but to the nearest (free) pixels on the rims of both related objects. As long it is not manualy altered, repositioning one of the related objects should reposition the relation on both objects. If halfway the line is fixed (eg. to avoid other objects), those fixations should be respected and kept.
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I guess all solutions do have some drawbacks, but i think what Topic starter Rob suggest is to add the line where you click it on the object instead of jumping to the middle (or rather a dynamically assigned location). When you do this "pixel perfect", it's in the right place immediately. That's pretty good imho.
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