Boost 'view-friendliness' by layering
VoltooidRequest / Wish: it would be great if you make it easier to make a view in BlueDolphin more ‘view-friendly’. Right now, it is time consuming to create a view that can be easily interpreted. We create a lot of designs with a high level of complexity. As soon as we want to share these designs, layers cannot be switched on or off, resulting in a presentation of a view that needs quite some explanation. The audience, in a way, gets lost or stays indifferent, whereas strong clean views could trigger enthusiasm.
In the ideal situation, BlueDolphin contains functionalities to work with layers that can be switched on and off. Compare it to the possibilities Photoshop offers in terms of layering.
Submitted by Kramp 👍🏼
Officiële opmerking
The opacity feature was shipped with the Baiji.2 release.
Although this seems difficult to develop and use, I would welcome a functionality such as this very much.
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layers would be very helpful and would strongly suggest to put this on the roadmap
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It'll be added to my monthly feedback meeting!
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@... This will be something we will improve in the future. But we can already do this a bit with the "eye" in the legend, right? Did the customer see that option already?
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Thank you Kim van Rooijen for your reply. I ll send you the details by email so you can get in touch with the initiator of this wish.
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This is planned. In the next release you will be able to set the 'opacity' for each shape, object and line.
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Hi @... and MG || Gemeente Tilburg Somehow I don't see much logic in asking for layers and getting opacity delivered. Does setting opacity help you?
I'd like layering also but maybe could be a solution for this but mind you, ask BD about BU functionality before counting your chickens.
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The opacity feature does not resolve this wish at all.
Moreover, I do not like the opacity feature at all, I never use it, and now have to click 'OK' when I change a colour (which changes visually before ok-ing it, but then changes back...).What I implied was an extended working of the paint-roller button. The original wish seems to be more about adding the layer function to an exported file of a view.
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Yup, guessed as much. somehow, sometime between 9 and 1 past months, layers morphed to opacity.
PS @... I'm not 100% convinced the original request intends only exported views. Can you clarify if your requests concerns viewing in BD, exported images or both?
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PS. Kim van Rooijen completed does not appear to be the right status though Fleur is the person who ought to reflect on that.
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Thank you BOFH and MG || Gemeente Tilburg for sharing your findings! Let's first find out if we are talking about a single or multiple wishes and subsequently get in touch with the development team ( Ameya Sapre Erwin Dral) to find out what's it or their status. Taking a look at the first step, let's ask KRAMP to share their findings and elaborate on the initial wish as well. I'll reach out to them.
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The simple opacity functionality is helping a bit. I see that I can apply it for objects, shape and relations. But it is inconvenient and mistakes prone to select every time all objects and relation and change the opacity. In the views where I need this I would have to select 30-40 objects. Every time I want to show/hide something is quite some work. If multiple users edit the same view (not necessarily in the same time) it is also inconvenient to work with the opacity.
Kramp request was to define layers and assign: objects, frees hapes and relations to a layer. Then be able to make that layer visible/invisible. This visibility of layers to apply for all outputs: screen, export, ... Similar as it is possible in Visio. Basically this is the main graphical function I miss from Visio.0
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