Use text alignment in objects on view
Beantwoord- What is your wish?
I would like to align my text in an object from the BD repository on my Archimate view. This should work exactly like the option to align text in a free shape.
- Why do you want this wish?
Sometimes the symbol of the object in the upper right corner is making the name of the object unreadable, so the text should move elsewhere.
Sometimes other objects are overlapping and I do not want my text to be hidden behind the other object.
Sometimes it just looks nicer to have the name of the object(s) to be somewhere else on the object.
- Do you have a workaround? And if so, what is it?
Use a free shape instead of an object. Move it over the real object, so I can still use the right relation and the real object is on the view so others can take note of that. Unfortunately I lose the object symbol by using this.
- How would you ideally solve the problem?
See wish. Right-clicking on an object on your view also shows option 'Text Alignment' with the options a free shape has as well.
- How big is the wish on a scale from 1 to 5? (1 = it would be nice, but definitely not necessary, and 5 = I cannot work another day without it).
Just a 1
Officiële opmerking
Your wish has been included in our roadmap. Once we know in what quarter we aim to release your submitted wish we will update its status. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions or wishes. Have a nice day!
I accidentally deleted my message to you..but I am going to discuss this in my monthly feedback session. I will keep you posted.
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Hello MG || Gemeente Tilburg, We have included your wish on our wishlist. Thank you for thinking with us.
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Hi. I'ld like to add an improvement in this context.
BD has text-margins in an object-box. Apparently these margins change with the object-label-setting of the viewer. With a definition-label the margin is only at the top; with a icon-label the margin is left AND right. This makes the way the object-title is presented unpredictable.
Ik would prefer a static margin at the top, good enough for definition-label as well as icon-label. this makes the effective text-box stable and the presentation of the object-title predictable.
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Any updates on this wish? This would help me greatly!
I would score this wish a 2
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OK, ik sluit me bij je aan MG, mooi werk!
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Wanting for the same here!
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Any updates on this wish?
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