Copy & paste for BPMN and Data views
Beantwoord- What is your wish?
Ability to copy and paste a selected object or set of objects to a view opened in another tab in my browser.
- Why do you want this wish?
Now I have to manually add things and set layout/size etc/
- Do you have a workaround? And if so, what is it?
Cumbersome: manual
- How would you ideally solve the problem?
Select a number of objects (one or more) including relations if needed, press Ctrl-C of rightclick Copy, go to other view, click Paste or CTRL-V and voila
- How big is the wish on a scale from 1 to 5? (1 = it would be nice, but definitely not necessary, and 5 = I cannot work another day without it).
Yes, we want this! :)
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I have added this wish also, specifically for BPMN views yesterday or so.
With ArchiMate views this is already possible. So, why not for BPMN views?
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It's pretty clear you really want this feature! I am going to discuss this tomorrow in the feedback session. I'll keep you posted!
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I have discussed this wish today in de feedback meeting. This is a little bit harder to develop so I cannot tell if this is going to be an item on next year's roadmap. I have merged all the items together on our short-term wishlist and our DEV- and UX team will work on this but I cannot give any time-specific information at the moment.
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Arnoud, je schrijft dat het voor Archimate al mogelijk is? Hoe dan? Ik wil een archimate object kopieren van werkset 1 naar werkset 2, hoe doe ik dat dan?
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Ik selecteer de objecten en lijnen van de bron view, dan CTRL+C, ik klik één keer in de doel view op de plek waar het ongeveer moet komen en dan rechter muisknop [Plakken] of CTRL-V.
Dit werkt met MS Edge Chromium.
Bel me anders even: 06-21 13 79 28
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Arnoud, dank! Ik weet niet waarom het eerder niet werkt, maar idd het werkt gewoon wel. Heel fijn.
Nu die copy & paste in BPMN nog. Ik zal 'm upvoten.
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Need BPMN copy very very much, loosing al lot of time by redrawing now...
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And I really want this for Data models.
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Any news?
FYI the copy object button (business process) doesnt work it just creates a new object without anything copied
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Hi all,
Copy/paste on the same BPMN diagram is possible in the Alpha version of the new BPMN that is currently being tested by a selected group of customers.
We will keep you updated when it is also possible to copy/paste across BPMN diagrams.
Thank you,
Team ValueBlue
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