Easier adding BPMN-object in existing flow
Voltooid- What is your wish?
If I have an existing BPMN flow, but I want to add a BPMN object C, I want to be able to drop it on a certain sequence flow line between objects A and B, and it will automatically understand that I want to put this object in the sequence between A and B. It creates automatically some space by shifting objects to the right, place object C and connect object C with a sequence flow from A and a sequence flow to B (and deleting the sequence flow A-B).
This is the same way Visio works and it speeds things up!
- Why do you want this wish?
Faster and easier BPMN modeling
- Do you have a workaround? And if so, what is it?
Move object B to the right to make space. Delete sequence flow between A and B. Create object C. Create new flows from A to C and from C to B. That's at least 8 clicks every time...
- How would you ideally solve the problem?
See above
- How big is the wish on a scale from 1 to 5? (1 = it would be nice, but definitely not necessary, and 5 = I cannot work another day without it).
Officiële opmerking
Hi all,
This is improved in the Alpha version of the new BPMN that is currently being tested by a selected group of customers. You can add, for example, a task to an existing flow and the flow will get adjusted automatically.
Thank you,
Team ValueBlue
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Hello Roeland Loggen,
Your wish has been discussed with our Product owner and I have to inform you that this wish won't be picked up, due to the fact that it is not a priority right now.
But the whole BPMN will be definitely improved.
Once again thank you for sharing your thoughts!
P.S. You can raise this wish in a year or two then it might be that it will get a higher priority.
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