Import BPMN from Visio-file or BPMN XML file
Voltooid- What is your wish?
Ability to import (as much as possible symbols) from a Visio file or a BPMN XML file. In our organization process models have been created in Visio. It would save a lot of time if we are able to import the data from these Visio files into BPMN-diagrams. It will require mapping objects to Visio objects, perhaps the need to create Actors and skipping unclear Visio items with an error message.
- Why do you want this wish?
Prevent us from having to manually type/model processes that already have been properly created. Will save us hours...
- Do you have a workaround? And if so, what is it?
Manually copy: time consuming, error prone.
Perhaps provide a copy and paste functionality from Visio to BD BPMN editor?
- How would you ideally solve the problem?
Create process. Open BPMN workset. Somewhere a button "Import BPMN XML" and "Import BPMN Visio". Select file. BD analyses the file, and marks unclarities. Unclarities fix in BD or Visio. Import. All symbols are created (with possible visual signals where BD found errors/unclarities). If Visio or BPMN XML file contained other data, such as activity descriptions, these are imported as well.
- How big is the wish on a scale from 1 to 5? (1 = it would be nice, but definitely not necessary, and 5 = I cannot work another day without it).
Officiële opmerking
Hi all,
Importing from a BPMN XML is possible in the Alpha version of the new BPMN that is currently being tested by a selected group of customers. As mentioned by Rob, importing from Visio is not possible because of unstructured format.
The new BPMN supports importing of the standard XML per BPMN 2.0 specifications.
Thank you,
Team ValueBlue
Hi Roeland,
From Visio is most likely impossible. It's just not structured so we can actually do something with it in a meaningful way.
BPMN XML should be possible, but I really doubt it will speed up things. If you blindly import BPMN diagrams most likely you will end up with a huge amount of actors/roles and/or business processes. This will make the repository (the archimate part) less useful, if not unworkable. And cleaning this up, will require a lot of effort, more than it would save time by importing.
So you need to make sure it will fit BD before you import (even if we give guidence on merging stuff like we do with Ameff). This will take time no matter what and it depends on how much you need to change if it becomes faster or not.
This is really thin ice for me as i don't have much influence in which direction development goes, but i think this would a big investment in our development for less benefit than it seems at first sight.
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