Export Process Diagram WITH Descirption from Process View
We are able to export the process diagram WITH descriptions from the Process Portal. This means the process has to be made official in order to download the full information of a process to PDF.
We'd like to have this ability for not official processes as well. We'd like to make processes official only when the owner of that process has agreed to it being official. The owner (often a manager) doesn't want to bother with BlueDolphin and they'd want the PDFs we can export from the Process Portal.
WORKAROUND: This however, leads to inconsistencies in officialness since we first need to make the process official, export the diagram WITH descriptions. Undo the officialising of the process, have the manager agree to the process / make changes, and then make the process official again.
Please add the same export option in the process view editor as in the process portal. Come to think of it, not "the same", but improved would be even nicer. Prio 2/5.
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But since this wish won't be granted anytime soon:
It wouldn't make much sense anyway...
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We need this functionality too!
See also zendesk request download nog niet gepubliceerd proces inclusief procesbeschrijving – BlueDolphin (valueblue.nl)
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Hallo ValueBlue… Blue… oow… ?
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See also my other wish, to add descriptions from ALL objects, insetad of only Task objects.
If implemented, please fix that one first.
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