[wish] Bridging the gap between product wishes and product development
The BlueDolphin community delivers valuable suggestions for improvement of the product, where ValueBlue delivers valuable improvements of that product. However, the relation between new releases and wishes is rather fuzzy.
It would be nice to have some insight in the roadmap or backlog of BlueDolphin and the various wishes in the community. It would be even better if there was a possibility to have some influence on that roadmap or the prioritization of the backlog.
My wishes (and probably all wishes) come from users in the organization that want to use BlueDolphin and adapt to new ways of working, but stumble on issues in BlueDolphin (ranging from usability, presentation, compliance with modelling languages or functionality) that hinder them in getting maximum value out of the product and (more importantly) hinder them in convincing colleagues to adept to a different way of working.
Receiving feedback on these issues is valuable for me and the resulting wishes are hopefully also valuable for product development, but feedback will stop if there is no insight into a horizon where solutions might be expected. On the other hand is updated functionality nice, but confusing if it doesn’t address the issues people are having with the product.
Possible Solution
It would be helpful if wishes from the community get reactions from the product development team on a more structural basis. It would be better (or even great) to have some insight into the backlog of the product to see that wishes are transferred or converted there; this would also be helpful to have some insight in the development roadmap of the product. ( I’m not sure, but I don’t think the current published roadmap is up-to-date: https://valueblue.com/en/bluedolphin/roadmap/ )
You could even make my dreams come true by giving me (through the community) some influence in the prioritization of the backlog.
Well spoken, I'm with you :)
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Thanks for being the 'First Follower' ;-)
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Agree agree agree. We did a recent count of our input:
Totaal 62 Geen reactie 26 42% Wishlist 15 24% Antwoord: Nee 8 13% Gefixed 7 11% Ingetrokken 1 2% Onduidelijk 5 8% And a number of high priority requests have been out there for more than 12 months, sometimes on 'The Wishlist', but no clue if and when they will be realized.
We have the feeling that VB nowadays is slower in reacting to feature wishes. I miss Kim van Rooijen :-(.
I wonder why this is fuzzy. Some possible causes:
- We lack power, and VB is dealing with high number of license-customers more. Possible strategy: unite, create a closed user group on LinkedIn, and work together in defining a wishlist.
- VB is too busy with other stuff (perhaps focus on selling) / lack of resources
- Other issues within VB
I wonder...
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I Agree!
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