Retrieve object from archive
Beantwoord- What is your wish?
As an admin I want to be able to retrieve objects from the archived objects and return them to their previous state.
- What is the problem you encounter?
Even though there is a message clearly explaining that deleting an object will result in definite deletion, some users (or even admins) delete objects accidentally. We can still see them in the Archive, but are not able to restore them. As we allow roles / users to delete objects, as this needs to happen, this isn't always what's intended. So, yes, setting stricter permissions per role, would help some. But, this will never hold for the actions of an admin, plus the permission interface is way too ineffective to be able to do this.
- Why do you want this wish?
To prevent mistakes and a lot of re-work.
- Do you have a workaround? And if so, what is it?
Create the object again, guessing what views the object was on. Place the object on the views again, re-install the relations. Quite cumbersome.
- How would you ideally solve the problem?
Upon deletion of an object, all connections to the respective views are kept in the data store. The user permissions should have another permission "Restore objects from archive". Upon restoring, all relations and additions on views should be restored.
- How big is the problem on a scale from 1 to 5?
(4) If I'm going to do the re-work that I have to do now, it takes several hours of re-work per "accidentally" deleted object.
A nice halfway solution would be to at least show all the views the deleted object WAS ON. This way, we don't need to go through all views where the object COULD BE ON, and focus on the ones were the object was in fact really deleted.
What you are talking about is basically versioning. We have this on our roadmap for the upcoming year.
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Hi Koen van der Veldt, thanks for the quick response.
Could you please elaborate a bit more on versioning and how it could solve my wish?
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