Collaborate working on the same view at the same time
The “improvement” in the latest release:
Block multiple collaborators from working on the same view at the same time
Is for not an improvement. We use this feature quite often.
Can you please reverse this feature, or make a menu option to enable it, or something like that.
Best regards,
Dave Kusters
Officiële opmerking
Dear Dave Kusters
We intentionally blocked multiple collaborators from working on the same view at once.
We're working on a new workflow, however its too early to update this due to other priorities. Thanks for understanding, and feel free to ask questions!
I agree this should be configurable at the instance level.
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Geheel eens dit moet terugkomen.
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Mijn theorie: het was te buggy (gegevensverlies, meerdere concurrende versies), en daarom hebben ze het gedisabled.
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Agree on bringing this back asap. Or at least give as a date when this will be rereleased maybe?
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