Be able to set a default conditional layout to a view Beantwoord 3 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
Include lifecycle in view export (BlueDolphin AMEFF?) Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
Productwens aangaande zichtbaarheid van metagegevens van prive werksets Beantwoord 6 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
Apply Future State opacity reduction on conditional layout Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Use elements according to the archimate standard Beantwoord 3 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Font and color options also available for relationships Beantwoord 4 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Name of view in preview Beantwoord 4 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
New questionnaire field type with unique ID Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Option to choose how to open a linked URL (Current window or New Window) Beantwoord 2 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
Object lifecycle state Beantwoord 3 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Relationship lifecycle State Gepland 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Product Launch - Processes (October 30, 2024) 1 stem 0 opmerkingen -
Northern.4 Release notes (October 31st 2024) 1 stem 0 opmerkingen -
Colors in new BPMN Editor Niet-gepland 6 stemmen 3 opmerkingen -
UI update - Process portal (October 25, 2024) 0 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
Northern.3 Release notes (October 29th 2024) 2 stemmen 3 opmerkingen -
Add a ? or any other obvious indication for the description to show up when filling out questionnaires Beantwoord 3 stemmen 4 opmerkingen -
Increase the text limit in the search box from 255 characters to at least 1.000 Beantwoord 1 stem 2 opmerkingen -
Archimate compliance for Business Object and Contract Beantwoord 4 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Public API: GET questionnaires - Release Notes (October 1st, 2024) 0 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
Creating new Objects based on another Object Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Request to move the Add User button to the top of the Role Admin screen Beantwoord 5 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
Categorization in Blue Dolphin for Quick Navigation. Beantwoord 5 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
Allow conditional questionnaires based on other values. Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Allow Report URLs to be added as links to free Shapes/objects on a view Beantwoord 4 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Unlinking URLs is not intuitive and the edit functionality should be part of the "link" feature Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Add Salesforce icons as shapes Beantwoord 4 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Undo functionality in the admin section when deleting views and update the deletion message to be more precise Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
use archimate role element and assignment relation to connect Archimate to BPMN Beantwoord 1 stem 6 opmerkingen -
Notice for Network Admins: We are moving from IPv4 to dual stack (IPv4 + IPv6) to improve security on Sept 7th 2024 0 stemmen 2 opmerkingen