Expanding the "open view" reports with a field "status" 1 stem 1 opmerking -
Marketplace Enhancement 0 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
TOPDesk to BlueDolphin integration 0 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
Leesrechten intrekken voor specifieke vragenlijsten 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Show "Star icon" in relation to visualize Current / Future lifecycle state 1 stem 0 opmerkingen -
Orca - Relationship lifecycle state is changeable now! (February 4th 2025 ) 1 stem 0 opmerkingen -
[WISH] Make transparent objects really transparent Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
[WISH] work together and publish same worset by different users Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
Extend OData table ‘Relations’ with “BlueDolphinLifecycleState” and ‘RelatedBlueDolphinLifecycleState’. Beantwoord 8 stemmen 1 opmerking -
There is no Pound sign £ in BlueDolphin Beantwoord 3 stemmen 3 opmerkingen -
BPMN: move/resizing swimminglanes Beantwoord 1 stem 2 opmerkingen -
Orca - Adding new relation with Relationship Lifecycle state (January 22nd, 2025) 2 stemmen 4 opmerkingen -
Orca - Relationship Lifecycle state Phase 1 (January 16th, 2025) Voltooid 2 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
[WISH] Link a question from the relationship questionnaire to the label of the relationship Beantwoord 6 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
A view is only Public after an explicit action to make in Public Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
[WISH] Adjust the color of 'No Value' for the use of conditional layout Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
[WISH] Configure the default color of object definitions Beantwoord 7 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
[WISH] Data crowfoot notation on architecture view Beantwoord 4 stemmen 1 opmerking -
add Archimate grouping element 22 stemmen 15 opmerkingen -
The ability to query BPMN2.0 tasks that are linked to an application via the reporting module or Odata feed Beantwoord 3 stemmen 3 opmerkingen -
Being able to link between BPMN diagrams uning the intermediate link events Beantwoord 3 stemmen 6 opmerkingen -
'Processes' Release notes (January 13th, 2025) 1 stem 5 opmerkingen -
'Processes' Release notes (December 20th, 2024) 2 stemmen 6 opmerkingen -
Colors in new BPMN Editor Niet-gepland 6 stemmen 3 opmerkingen -
The ability (as admin) to transfer BPMN diagrams to other users Beantwoord 3 stemmen 1 opmerking -
'Processes' Release notes (January 10th, 2025) 2 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
It would be good to have the ability to version New BPMN views or at-least be able to save a copy of an existing one Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Link new BPMN processes via 'Link to a view' in stead of 'Link to a URL' Beantwoord 3 stemmen 5 opmerkingen -
Share a view/diagram in the new bpmn module Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
Save a diagram/view in new BPMN as favourite Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking