How we process your wishes Vastgemaakt 2 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
[WISH] Data crowfoot notation on architecture view 3 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
[WISH] Adjust the color of 'No Value' for the use of conditional layout 2 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
[WISH] Configure the default colour of object definitions 7 stemmen 1 opmerking -
[WISH] Link a question from the relationship questionnaire to the label of the relationship 6 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
A view is only Public after an explicit action to make in Public 0 stemmen 0 opmerkingen -
The ability to query BPMN2.0 tasks that are linked to an application via the reporting module or Odata feed Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
The ability (as admin) to transfer BPMN diagrams to other users Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Being able to link between BPMN diagrams uning the intermediate link events Beantwoord 3 stemmen 6 opmerkingen -
It would be good to have the ability to version New BPMN views or at-least be able to save a copy of an existing one Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Share a view/diagram in the new bpmn module Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
Link new BPMN processes via 'Link to a view' in stead of 'Link to a URL' Beantwoord 3 stemmen 5 opmerkingen -
Provide a tags feature to objects for search and discoverability Beantwoord 4 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Save a diagram/view in new BPMN as favourite Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
Be able to gather feedback (via messages) on a BPMN process in new BPMN module Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
BPMN: move/resizing swimminglanes Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
scroll Links en rechts nieuwe BPMN module Beantwoord -1 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Repository creëren van gebruikte taken/events/diagrammen in de nieuwe BPMN? Beantwoord 2 stemmen 5 opmerkingen -
Doorklikken vanuit de call activity naar het proces in het nieuwe BPMN Gepland 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
[WISH] Be able to copy/re-use Conditional Layout Beantwoord 5 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Be able to add/configure fields on tasks in new BPMN Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Be able to set a default conditional layout to a view Beantwoord 3 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
Include lifecycle in view export (BlueDolphin AMEFF?) Beantwoord 1 stem 1 opmerking -
Productwens aangaande zichtbaarheid van metagegevens van prive werksets Beantwoord 6 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
Apply Future State opacity reduction on conditional layout Beantwoord 2 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Use elements according to the archimate standard Beantwoord 3 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Font and color options also available for relationships Beantwoord 3 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Name of view in preview Beantwoord 4 stemmen 2 opmerkingen -
New questionnaire field type with unique ID Beantwoord 0 stemmen 1 opmerking -
Option to choose how to open a linked URL (Current window or New Window) Beantwoord 2 stemmen 2 opmerkingen
Product wishes
Nieuw berichtShare wishes to improve BlueDolphin, vote on ideas you like, and hear from other users. We value to get your message in English, so all the members of our Community are involved.